About Orlando House and Home In January 2014 my family began the process of moving from Central Indiana to Central Florida. We spent several months back and forth and finally completed our move in May 2014. During those early fact-finding month we were completely lost! We needed to decide what side of town we would live on. We needed to decide if we would rent, build or buy a pre-existing house. We needed to find where we would do our shopping, banking and so forth. It was completely overwhelming! Everything about our lives was changing all at the exact same time. We had lived in the same house, shopped at the same places and banked in the same location for the past 15 years. We thought we would lose our minds! Fast forward nearly 2 years and we have settled into Orlando quite nicely. However, we still have so many questions. Who are the best builders? What are the best neighborhoods? Where can I find unique stores to decorate my house? What are the best flowers to grow in Central Florida? Where are the best places to go on a date with my husband? There are thousands of us out there…transplants trying to make Central Florida our new home. This site is my attempt to answer these questions for all of us!